About Me

 Hi, my name is Fernanda! I decided to start Glossibly to share my love for all things makeup, fashion, and skincare. More specifically, I understand that we as humans have a duty to do right by our environment and the creatures that inhabit it. For these reasons, I do my best to focus on more sustainable brands whether that be in beauty, fashion, or skincare. 

I am also a first-generation, Latina pursuing software engineering based in Minneapolis, Minnesota! I grew up with very little to my name and met many along my journey who doubted me and told me I would become nothing. Little did they know that there’s nothing I love more than the challenge of proving people wrong. I’m a strong advocate for BIPOC women (and all women) in STEM and truly believe that the greatest weapon to have in your arsenal is education. One of my favorite quotes is by Malala Yousafzai:

“They are afraid of educated women. They are afraid of the power of knowledge.”